When you are a kid nothing matters. To me, there wasn’t that thing of having to be skinny, or fitting into the smallest clothes. When I was a kid the only thing that mattered was being a little chubby girl who could eat a lot. When I was a kid, I was big. Maybe I wasn’t the fattest or the tallest, but I wasn’t the skinniest either. I remember having these really really huge cheeks, which we’re always smiling, to me those cheeks were the characteristic that identified me the most.
Since I can remember McDonald’s has been my favorite food among them all. I blame my parents because even my first birthday was celebrated there. When I was sick, miraculously my hamburger healed it all. When I was crying so hard, right after fighting with my older sister, my parents used to buy me a happy meal to make me happy. And even when I got good grades, guess what my prize was? Yep, it was McDonald’s.
I have so many great memories shared with a hamburger in hand; it has become so psychological that it still has the same effects on me, like when I was a little kid. But, definitely the greatest thing and what I remember the most when people say McDonald’s is when I used to go to work with my dad.
We used to go to Escuintla to our business every day, I guess I was so small I didn’t go to school yet, and still I remember it like it was an hour ago. Right before going out of the little town and into the highway (trip of five minutes long) there is, still today, a McDonald’s. I remember so clearly how I was so tired of getting up early, and “working” (really being by the side of my dad all day). The weather is always hot, and most of the times at the end of the day I wasn’t on the best mood. At least, that was the first few times I went, and before I discovered that my dad will invite me for fries and hamburgers every day. We used to go through the auto-mac, and I always and I really mean always, got a happy meal. I got excited about the toys; yeah I used to collect them all. But what I loved the most was their food. I remember how I ate my happy meal; with a big smile on my face, I opened the hamburger and took out the pickles, which I still don’t like at all. I opened my ketchup and hold it with my right hand, at the same time I was eating my hamburger, I was a real expert with handling my food in the car. I can close my eyes and see myself as a little kid, with ketchup all on my face. And so I ate, and I ate real fast. So fast that by the time we got to the highway, all of my food was gone; it is really funny because I used to get so excited with my happy meal that I eat it completely in less than five minutes.
My parents enjoy telling my embarrassing story of me being a little pig. Now, to me it isn’t so embarrassing after all, because little details like those where the ones that made my childhood really fun and well remembered. I will always remember when life was so easy that my problems were solved with a happy meal. That’s why I still love today my McDonald’s, it has always bring a smile to my face and it will always do.